Thursday, August 24, 2006

Crit racing is F U N!

Well, not "fun", more like pain and fear rolled into one....the cool, "fun" part, is when you survive a wet course and get to hang out with a team.
I headed up to the Wednesday night crit series last night, the first one since I was a cat 5 a couple of years ago...and not much has changed, great racing, good people, and a wicked fast/scary course.

With all the talk of Kremke winning all the time I was hoping to put an end to his monsterous power. I didn't win the race though, instead I won 3 of 8 primes. Anybody need an XL Liquigas jersey? T-Rav was on the front the whole race, I hate to admit it, but that kid got the skills...if only he'd wake up to do something in the morning.

After riding a 70 min crit, 26.7 mph, I'm deciding against hotter-n-hell...240 min, at 25mph. I'm still getting used to the new bikes postion...or the road for that matter. Good news is they found my Colnago in Utah, two months late, but hey it arrived there!
Now if you excuse me, I gotta go ride to learn how to ride solo!-wink

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