Thursday, December 13, 2007


So I finally got around to seeing SuperBad. And although it was French oriented in the language department, I found it rather entertaining! The cop's are probably some of the funniest characters, Seth Rogan and Bill Hader do a fine job of acting as the law. Below and behind the call of duty.
I'd like to have a go with a cop, no guns though, to see what they have under the hood. Could they really catch me if I was running from them?
I can see it going down like this:
I take something from someone, then the cops get all angry and chase me. So I run a bit through some neighborhoods, keeping them in sight, not dropping the hammer yet. Then wham, I hope on the bike, and start riding through the woods, hoping downed trees and cutting through streams. I'd come out of the woods and eat some skittles and let the heart rate slow, to find the cops dragging ass. So an easy jog back to wear I took the stuff, and give the baby his candy back. Then disappear from the scene with a ninja smokescreen to be never seen again.

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