Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ah, my back hurts. And it feels like those commercials where the red light flashes. I wish I could remember the name of that medicine that went and made the red light a green light. It kinda looks like this:
Hopefully that will clear up and just be from sleeping wrong. And so my preperation for Terilingua is thrown off again by my throat starting to feel the twing. Quick thinking by popping some Emergen-C in some water, orange juice and a thought of listening to Michael Jackson's "beat it", to get rid of it.
Top 5 this weekend and I'm cutting my hair. I do like the helmet hair I have afterwards though. But with 27 registered riders so far, it looks like my chances of cutting it are slim to none.....hmmm, maybe I should tell the barber that.
"Hello, what kind of haircut do you want today?"
"Lets go with slim to none, and take it easy on the sideburns pal!"

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