Monday, August 18, 2008

I guess people are pissed about this awesome movies funniness. I mean, Robert Downey Jr dresses up like a black dude and people are calling him or the movie racist! I find it hilarious.
"I'm just a dude, trying to be a dude, playing another dude."
How's this, if you call that racism, then you yourself are racist for the pure fact that you take a comedy and turn it into something to complain about.
Plus Jack Black is on fire in this movie. And Ben Stiller does his normal funny dumbass guy thing. The opening minutes of the film had me cracking up, and Mathew McConneguhgheee and Tom Cruise was actually funny, but trying to be, not like that time on Oprah when he was jumping around for Scientology.
This past week Huntsville held host to the Stan Musial World Series. I hit a couple of games, saw some good baseball: some guys hit good, some guys caught good, some guys got hit in the head with a pitch, and some guys got kicked out by the ump. Typical ballgame. I was nursing a sore throat and drainage, so I was spitting up stuff a lot, and fit in pretty well there. I didn't fit in very well on Saturdays ride though. I stuck out pretty hard, getting yelled at twice.
The first time was for spliting two guys that took up one lane. The guy told me he'd knock me off my bike the next time I did that, and if I wanted to ride like that go ride with the race team.{Which to my defence, I tried finding, but I can't keep up with who's where and when}. I wonder how he'd go about knocking me off my bike? That would suck to get knocked off the bike by some older guy, and break my'd suck worse than not being able to jump a curb and breaking my colarbone.
So with lots of work done on Saturday, I tenitivly went and rode Huntsville on Sunday, with the single speed. I raced hard the first lap to catch the bikelane guys, then on the second lap had the wood layed to me by Mitch riding his SS. If he gets a good start, put money on him at Hville!
And finally, I start my first Fantasy Football league tonight. I wanted to pick the Cowboys, but they told me that wasn't possible. So, I guess I'll just pick the Dolphins instead.

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