Saturday, October 07, 2006


Friday nights Comedy club was a ball. Every single comedian wanted to do a bit on us. Just because my phone rang in the middle of his bit. Then some old guy wanted to 'be with' us or something, he was a fag...or as we call him nowadays, metrosexual. Josh Sneed was the main honch, and was quite funny. Making fun of white trash must be hard to do...don't get me wrong, I do it all the time, but not to an audience with white trash carnies in it!
Today's Age based State Road race was tough. The old College Station loop, 80 miles or so, done with fewer people than a normal P12 race. This meant that I was on the front more. I ended up bringing home the silver for the 23-29 group. Much props to Zach Fiocca, a strong ride, and a well deserved championship. I'm not really looking forward to racing the MTB race course without riding it first, but hey, what could go wrong? I might get lost but at least I ain't got no money!

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