Thursday, October 26, 2006


Most people figure Huntsville to be a prison town...and that it is. That doesn't mean I have any affiliation with the inmates. While doing the study at UT Austin, I have heard many many stories of "The Probe". I was be-boping along just doing the hard rides they told me to do, Probe free.
And after the happy post from yesterday, I was violated. Thats all I'm saying about that.
The drive home from Austin is always fun, it goes by faster, I'm in no hurry and can eat whenever, and you see more jackasses on the way home.
The rain was pouring, and while catching a white pickup truck who was swerving all over the road. It first appeared to be a sleepy/or drunk driver. Then as I approached the vehicle I noticed that a shirtless mexican had his head out the window, WHILE driving! And I hypothisised that his winsheild wipers did not work. Hey, do what works!

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